How To Help Overcome Gym Anxiety

Many people struggle with gym anxiety, especially beginners just starting out in the gym. However, it can effect anybody, regardless of how long they've been going to the gym. I still struggle with gym anxiety at times, and I am a personal trainer and have been in the gym consistently for over 5 years. It typically gets better as time goes on and you get more comfortable in the new environment. If you struggle with gym anxiety, here are a few tips that have helped me avoid feeling anxious at the gym:

1. Hat + Headphones + Confident Outfit  - Give yourself a little added confidence boost and help tune out everybody around you by wearing an outfit that you're confident (and comfortable) in, a hat, and headphones. 

2. Go outside of peak hours - Typically 5-8pm is the busiest time at the gym. Try going in the early morning (5-6am) or late morning-mid afternoon (10am-2pm) to avoid large crowds 

3. Skip the preworkout - Caffeine spikes cortisol levels which can lead to increased stress and anxiety. Instead, opt for a non-stimulant preworkout. (Here is my favorite)

4. Have a plan, but know how to modify if needed - It is crucial to have a plan before you go into the gym, but you should also know how to modify your workout in case the equipment you need is unavailable. 

5. Try circuit style, minimal equipment workouts - Minimal equipment, circuit style workout are great for beginners or those working out in a busy gym because you can do them virtually anywhere in the gym. Find a free space, grab a couple pairs of dumbbells or whatever other equipment you may need and get to work. This way you won't have to wait for the next machine to open up or navigate crowds of people. 

Do you struggle with gym anxiety? What do you do in order to help overcome it? 


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