The Many Health Benefits of Adequate Sleep

When it comes to improving health, fitness, or body composition, "The Grind" is often glorified. However, sleep, one of the most crucial pieces to improving health, fitness, body composition, mood, and energy, is often neglected. If you are not getting proper sleep, both quality AND quantity, you are doing yourself, and your goals, a disservice. Consistently getting adequate sleep has many benefits such as improving energy and mood, but it also contributes to other physiological factors such as:

  1. Helps regulate appetite and prevent overeating. When you are well rested, it is much easier to tune into your body's hunger and fullness cues. You are also less likely to overeat when you are rested versus when you are lacking sleep.

  2. Improves physical performance. If you are exercising on a regular basis, getting adequate sleep is crucial to the recovery process. Optimal recovery is necessary if you want to continue to perform well.

  3. Improves immune function. This is something that everybody can benefit from. Studies show that even a minimal amount of sleep loss can lead to impaired immune function.

  4. Can decrease inflammation. Lack of sleep can increase inflammation and cell damage within the body, specifically within the digestive tract. This can lead to complications such as IBD Chron's disease.

  5. Can help prevent heart disease. Studies show that individuals who don't get adequate sleep are at a much greater risk for developing heart disease than those who regularly get 7-8 hours of sleep/night. This may be due in increased stress, lifestyle factors, overeating resulting in obesity, lack of exercise, or a combination of these.

While proper nutrition and regular exercise are crucial components to improving health, fitness, and body composition, recovery is equally as important. If recovery is lacking, nutrition and exercise will likely suffer. Start prioritizing your sleep like you do your workouts.

  • Get on a sleep schedule if possible (within 1-2 hours every day).

  • Set a bedtime to ensure you are getting adequate sleep quantity.

  • To improve sleep quality, limit electronics at least 1 hour before bed and sleep in a cool, dark room.

What are your tips for getting a good nights sleep?!


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