Nutrition & Supplementation: Priorities Pyramid

When it comes to nutrition and supplementation, often times people get caught up in perfecting the small details before they have a solid base.

They’ll ask about fat burners before they have their calories in check. They’ll worry about micronutrient deficiencies, while being deficient in protein.

If you want to optimize your results and optimize your overall health, you need to have a solid base and build upon it.

This priority pyramid is designed to help you determine what your main area of focus should be.

** It should be noted that if a supplement will help you to fill a gap in a base area, it should be prioritized. Ex. If taking a whey protein supplement helps you reach your protein goal, or a glycogen supplement helps you reach your calorie goal, IT SHOULD BE PRIORITIZED. The exception depicted in this diagram is with specialty supplements [fat burners, etc.]

1. Calories – whether your goal is to lose fat, maintain weight, or gain muscle, overall caloric intake will determine whether or not you achieve these results.

2. Protein – This macronutrient is important for all body composition and health goals. Adequate protein intake helps to increase metabolic rate through the thermic effect of food, it helps repair and build muscle which helps increase your lean mass. A higher lean mass is associated with a higher metabolic rate (metabolism). Protein is also very satiating, so for those of you with a goal of fat loss, it will help keep you feeling full longer.

3. Carbs & Fat – These macronutrients provide the body with energy. Carbs are the body’s preferred fuel source for high intensity, strength training, and resistance training workouts. Dietary Fats are the body’s preferred fuel source for low intensity, steady state workouts. (**No, low intensity exercise does not burn more body fat. Body Fat and Dietary Fats are not the same. You can burn dietary fats as fuel without burning any stored body fat)

4. Micronutrients – Vitamins & Minerals. Either in the form of supplements or from whole foods, adequate intake of micronutrients contribute to various health benefits. Micronutrients play little to no role in body composition changes (fat loss/muscle gain)

5. Nutrient Timing – This can be helpful for improving performance, increasing energy throughout the day, optimizing you’re the digestion and absorption of the foods you eat, etc. **The timing of the foods you eat is highly individualized.

6. Specialty Supplements, Fat Burners, etc. – this is often the final push to help achieve a desired health outcome of body composition goal. Once everything else in the pyramid is in check, then specialty supplements may be beneficial.


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