Kennedy Carnes

Education + Specialties:

• Certified Personal Trainer

• Bachelor’s Degree Kinesiology (UCF 2025)

“I am passionate about teaching women the foundations of their own health and fitness. As a personal trainer, I want to help others create a sustainable routine that makes them excited to get into the gym and help them build their confidence all around. My goal is to create an uplifting environment for women to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. There are so many aspects of health and fitness that it can become overwhelming. I am driven to guide others to reach their goals in and out of the gym. Starting my bachelor's degree in Kinesiology at UCF in 2022 and leaving an intense competitive dance training schedule, I found myself lost and over complicating my fitness routine because my schedule was so different. I decided to take charge of my fitness and began researching simple and maintainable routines that are fit for college students and busy women. From there, I realized how much your health and wellness impacts your daily life. Resistance training and low impact movement like Pilates and walking has made the biggest difference in my life. After realizing my passion for helping others to live a healthier life, I earned my personal training certification through NASM. Let's work towards finding your perfect routine and building confidence together! ”