Jordan Williams

Education + Specialties:

  • Women’s Training Specialist

  • Pre/Postnatal Training Specialist

  • Certified Nutritionist

  • Bachelor’s Degree Sport + Exercise Science (UCF, 2018)

“My passion behind Built To Bloom was to create a community of women looking to build confidence, both in the gym and out, and take charge of their health and fitness. Regardless of age or background, and no matter if you’re looking to lose weight, gain muscle, get in shape for the demands of motherhood, or simply engage in a regular exercise routine, Built To Bloom was created for you. I am not the stereotypical “in your face, make you feel like crap so you work harder” trainer. My goal is to uplift and support the women I work with, helping to create a positive association with health and fitness while pushing you to become your best self.”