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‘Done’ - A Habit Tracking App To Help Make Habit Change Easier

Oftentimes, setting out to build a new habit, or break an existing habit, can seem overwhelming; especially if you are trying to focus on more than one habit at a time, along with juggling all your other tasks throughout the day. I used to create a daily to-do list in my notes app and include new and existing daily habits so that they wouldn't slip my mind on busy days. I call it my "power list", it typically includes things that I want to ensure I do on a daily basis such as exercise, drink a certain amount of water, and read 'X' amount of pages. This method has worked for me for the most part.

However, I recently came across this app called 'Done' and I am loving it so far. It allows you to customize habits/tasks and check them off as you complete them. You can set habits daily, weekly, or set them only on specific days of the week.